
At Torrington Awareness & Prevention Partnership (T.A.P.P.), we recognize parents' pivotal role in shaping our youth's futures. As the first line of defense in preventing substance use and abuse among our children, your involvement is not just beneficial—it's essential. Here's why joining hands with T.A.P.P. is a step towards a healthier, safer future for our children and community.


Empowerment Through Knowledge: By engaging with T.A.P.P., you gain access to a wealth of resources and information designed to equip you with the knowledge needed to address substance use proactively. Understanding the signs of use, the latest trends in substance abuse, and effective communication strategies empowers you to be an informed advocate for your child's well-being.

Community Strength: Your involvement signifies a stronger, united community front against the challenges of youth substance abuse. Together, we can amplify the message that the health and safety of our children are paramount, creating an environment where they feel supported and understood.

Protective Strategies: We focus on strengthening protective factors within families and reducing risk factors that contribute to substance use. Through workshops, seminars, and support networks, you'll learn how to foster a positive home environment that encourages healthy decision-making, resilience, and emotional strength.

Making a Difference: Your participation not only benefits your family but also contributes to the broader mission of building a healthier Torrington. By sharing your experiences, insights, and support, you become an integral part of the solution, inspiring others to join the cause and spreading the message of prevention and care.

Join Us: The Torrington Awareness & Prevention Partnership invites you to be part of this vital movement. Together, we can guide our youth towards brighter, substance-free futures. Your involvement could be the key to empowering another family to make positive changes. Let's unite to protect our children's futures and build a community where every child feels valued, supported, and empowered to make healthy choices.

Support for Parents

"Talk. They Hear You."® Campaign

SAMHSA’s The “Discussion Starter” “Talk. They Hear You.” is set on a within a community setting showcasing a variety of situations that parents and caregivers could have a conversation about alcohol, and culminating into and school basketball court where 12- to 13-year old boys are playing a Saturday morning game. The parents (Bill and Diane), arrive after the game is underway, and sit down with other parents in the stands.

Each parent is engaged in conversation with other parents, and then engaged in a discussion in the car that leads the parents (Bill and Diane) recognition that they needed to talk with his own son (Tim) and younger daughter (Katie) about alcohol use.

For more information, visit SAMHSA


TAPP is a community coalition whose mission is to promote healthy life choices through collaboration, education, support and training. We engage and mobilize youth, parents and community partners to prevent substance misuse, foster emotional health, and maintain a safe and healthy community.

  • 58 High Street, Torrington, CT 06790

  • (959) 799-1445


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